Fluidizing is an effective way to mix small amounts of liquid or solid ingredients. It is an effective method for fine particles that are too small to blow out silos or plug the feed of an ejector. The fluidizer can be installed in the convey line or blended on the fly. The rate of introducing a second solid is determined by the pressure of the fluid at the inlet.

High-speed wall agitators

Ribbon blenders often feature high-speed wall agitators, especially in cohesive materials, to prevent lumps. High-speed wall agitators impart a high-shear action to the particles, making the surface active and binding easier. In addition, the agitation process is shorter than expected, making attrition wash more likely.

Mechanical fluidizers minimize shear by lifting the product with a gentle whirring motion, a significant benefit over gas fluidizers. On the other hand, gas-based fluidizers rely on complicated fluid mechanics to distribute heat. In mechanical fluidizers, the speed of the agitator determines the amount of fluidization, and therefore, the process is much simpler and faster.

This type of blender uses a screw along the wall of the cone to mix solids and liquids. The result is a homogeneous blend because the solids and liquids are agitated by a whirling motion. However, low blend times can lead to segregation or sifting of the solids. To reduce these effects, agitator speed must be adjusted to maximize the cohesiveness of the blend.

Twin paddle mixers

A twin shaft paddle mixer is a high-performance, easy-to-use machine with a simple design and mixing principle. This mixer effectively prepares a homogenous mixture of various materials, regardless of particle size or shape. These mixers are suitable for a wide range of applications, and they can be used for a variety of purposes, including feed, building materials, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food.

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The Twin Paddle Mixer comprises special angle paddles mounted on twin shafts and rotates in opposite directions. Paddles sweep the bottom of both troughs, creating centrifugal forces that allow the solids to move freely. These mixers are handy for mixing materials with different densities because the overlapping motion of the paddles makes it easy to blend materials of varying densities.

Particle fluidization

To understand how a particle fluidizer blender works, consider the types of blenders and their workings. A particle fluidizer blender is used to blend powders or pastes by introducing a small amount of air into a mixture. Fluidization involves mixing and rotating particles to form a torus. The particles move in three directions and intermingle in a suspension during this process.

A particle fluidizer blender works the same way as a horizontal ribbon blender; except instead of a ribbon, it uses a screw. The screw in a particle fluidizer uses a rotating screw that runs along the wall of the cone to pump up solids. A particle fluidizer blender is more effective when the solids and liquids have a high degree of cohesiveness, and low blend times can cause segregation on discharge. Fluidization and triboelectric effects can also lead to drifting from a perfect blend. In addition, the temperature gradient in a ribbon blender can cause the large particles to be coated.

By Suzana