If your bank account lacks in funds, your life doesn’t have to lack in good travel experiences. Here’s how you can travel the world, or simply the United States, with little to no cash to begin with.

Start a Business of Essential Services, i.e. House Sitter, Pet Sitter, or Temp Personal Assistant

There are some services that will never go out of fashion. House sitters, pet sitters, nannies, and personal assistants are all shining examples of the kinds of services that someone, somewhere is seeking to hire for—all of the time. So, put yourself out there. Begin a business that starts locally, then expand those services to incorporate where you want to go, like North Carolina coast rentals that allow you to relax for a few days seaside. You could work for revenue. Or, you could work for room, board, and meals.

Opt for a Teaching Degree to Help Children in Other Countries

Teaching degrees, especially English Second Language courses, are hire priorities for world travelers. Why? Because there are hundreds of underprivileged children that would love to have that kind of education. You could get a traveling teaching degree, with a single specialty, that would benefit the lives of some of the locals where you would love to travel.

Or, Volunteer to Build and Work to Help Countries Affected by Poverty or Natural Disasters

Apply to be a part of something bigger than yourself by joining a traveling group to volunteer your time somewhere it’s needed. You can see the countryside and sites, of course, but you can also dedicate yourself to helping others. Look to churches, charities, and college clubs to get started with a sign up.

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Another few ways to travel with little to no cash are 1) become a flight attendant or cruise ship attendant, or 2) crowdfund your dreams and then write a travel blog about your experiences. In all honesty, a little money to start out with is ideal, but you CAN travel the world with zilch in your bank account. It IS possible. You just need to be innovative in your ideas to make it happen.

By Suzana