Passport Renewal Expedition Procedure

Discovering you have an expired passport right before traveling is inconvenient. Their potions may seem bleak, but there is hope. They have the option of using the mail or in-person renewal when it is a case of expedited passport renewal. The process entails filling out some forms, making the required payments, then submitting the forms and other requested items to the renewal agencies.

Renewal by mail is the most popular option. The Department of State online portal shall post the estimated processing items for these passports so that the travelers can see how far theirs have gone. They will also have the applicable fees posted there, along with the Form DS-82, called “Passport by Mail.”

The mail option is sometimes not applicable in certain circumstances. In case yours is damaged, or older than fifteen years, you will have to go the in-person route. If you also changed names after the last time, you need to come in and show the changes. In case you also got it while under sixteen, you need to be there in person for the renewal.

You need to call the agency after checking the applicable fees, for them to tell you how to send it. Usually, the Form DS-82, the old passport, and the rush fees are placed unfolded in a manila envelope, which is then marked as expedited, then sent to the relevant department by courier.

The in-person renewal usually goes faster than the mail option. They shall call the nearest agency and make an appointment. They will be given a specific time to show up there. It is expected that as you go for the appointment, you will have all the necessary documents, as well as the rush fees with you. They must also bring their travel tickets, showing the need for the faster rush.

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The law states that this process should not take not more than five days before it starts. After receiving your request, he processing should start at a time not exceeding five days after you sent it, or it was approved. Thereafter, it should be possible for the applicant to track their application online.

You can also use some private expediters for such a process. They shall charge extra on top of the renewal fees, but shall save you the hassle of tracking and doing paperwork. It is important to verify the details and authenticity of the agency before committing your funds.

It is easy for someone to feel despair when they notice they have an expired passport. This renewal service has made many people’s lives so much easy.

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By Suzana